North West Mounted Police post, Fullerton Harbour, 1904
The Fullerton harbour post was first establish by the North West Mounted Police at Cape Fullerton (Qatiktalik) during the early whaling era of the ‘American and Scottish whaling ship’s’ in the area along the coast of Hudson Bay. It was the very first post to be establish in the north by the Canadian government as a customs office to oversee the activities of the American whalers, to establish Canadian sovereignty, to administer whaling licenses, collect customs, and control the flow of liquor and to maintain order. The Fullerton harbour was a popular wintering station for American and Scottish whaling ship’s, and a trading point with the Inuit.
Courtesy of the RCMP Historical Collections Unit, Regina, SK (P-164/4)
Research/Further Reading: ‘The Cruise of the Neptune A.P. Low 1903 – 04’