Cape Fullerton (Qatiktalik)

Cape Fullerton in Inuktitut Qatiktalik was establish in early 1900s by the Canadian government in an attempt to establish sovereignty during the activities of the American whalers in the Canadian Arctic Territories, the government decided to send the North West Mounted Police into the arctic to provide a year round presence. While sovereignty was the primary reason for the establishment of the post, the RNWMP were responsible for the administration of whaling licenses, collecting customs, controlling the flow of liquor and maintaining order in the north. On September 23, 1903, under the direction of J.D. Moodie, the first North West Mounted Police outpost was established at Cape Fullerton (in Inuktitut Qatiktalik), just northeast of Chesterfield Inlet along the coast of Hudson Bay. Cape Fullerton was a popular wintering station/ anchorage for early American and Scottish whaling ships during the whaling era, and a trading point for the Inuit.
Cape Fullerton, August 9, 2008


Photo courtesy Pete Garvey, Cst. – Chesterfield Inlet Detachment


  • X3Nw>p5 - Parnaijiit – Chesterfield Inlet Elder’s Group Committee
  • Chesterfield Inlet, Nunavut
  • Canada X0C 0B0